**** Do not use this for Color or for Audio
Depending on which editor (Avid, Premiere, Davinci) you are using, you may want to discuss with us ahead of time before outputting.
These are quick recommendations for us to get the media to our systems correctly. Depending on project scope, scale and variables please contact us if you are having any issues.
** You will need to make sure you have the most compatible version of after effects installed for this process.
This is the most important thing you will do!
If there are titles place them below the line
Right Click: Replace with After Effects comp
Note: this will create an entire clip on that line from the first frame of the first clip to the last.
First frame of the new clip created should be the starting timecode for the after effect sequence. This helps for reference.
Go to
File –> Dependencies ==> Collect Files
Be sure all is selected and Collect
You can upload directly to our portal.
** !!! If files are over 100G please reach out to your contact, Kevin, Mike or Steve first. !!
They should have given you the password for the portal.
Our services run deep and are backed by over ten years of experience.
Prepare project by putting items for Gpx to TOP line
Subclip your sequence
Export to file
AAF Settings
Video Only
Cosoldate Media 120 Handles
Transcode Video DN -HQ-X if working 4K 10B
into SameFolder as MXF